Tantra Global: updates

Here are the latest news from Tantra Global as reported by their monthly newsletter:

As part of the Big Bash last January and continuing it this month, more surprises are now waiting for the players of Tantra Global, events that will enhance their skills with nonstop tournaments or join with the community that will enhance creativity as well.

We have included events like the “Dare to the Progenies” a surprise 3v3 battle with the GMs that could happen anytime, search for the best couple fighters in “The Power of Two” or fight for your god in a 3 way battle in Vedi Kruma looking for the “Finest Eight”.

EXP boost and drop modification plus more EXP rewards lie ahead the grinding party in the Emperor’s Tomb that will collide with “The Emperor’s Army”.

Create your favorite stories with your breath-taking screen shots from the realms of tantra and join our “Tantra Global Valentine Memory” or send your sweet notes to your friends and love-ones here in Tantra in this month’s “February Love Greetings”.

Also, our Weekend Special will carry on until the end of February with more and more surprises!!

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