This past month, Team Critical Hit has updated us with some of the things they’ve have been working on.
First and most importantly, they would like to welcome two new partners to their efforts. Team Critical Hit has teamed up with Alienware for an official partnership. You can find the details here:
Team Critical Hit has also launched a marketing campaign with Razer based around their fantastic Razer Comms VOIP solution.
“We are happy to be one of the first companies to partner with Razer on their Razer Comms service which will bring full integrated voice into Eternal Crusade. You can read more about the service here:
As if these exciting new partnerships were not enough, we have also taken the time to put some new items into our Rogue Trader Store for players to spend their Founder Points on. Orks will be happy to see their Splash Burna, that’s for sure. You can check out the Rogue Trader at:
We hope you enjoy these new items and partnerships as we prepare to work through the winter to make this game a reality. If you have any questions, please reach out to us as we hope to continue more announcements each week. In fact, we have something special up our sleeves for this Friday, so stay tuned!”
For more info, visit