Atari Reveals More Details About The Ataribox

Ataribox Updated Info - News

The Ataribox is the upcoming console from the company that revolutionized home console gaming and they’re coming back to the scene with this combination of 80s woodgrain and modern technology! Ataribox has a unique modern design, influenced by iconic Atari products such as the Atari 2600. Technology-wise, it is powered by an AMD customized processor with Radeon Graphics technology. Ataribox will offer games and more: bringing a full PC experience to the TV, it will also include streaming, applications, social, browsing, and music.

“With Ataribox, we wanted to create an open system, a killer product where people can game, stream and browse with as much freedom as possible. Atari games and content will be available as well as games and content from other providers,” said Fred Chesnais, Atari Chief Executive Officer. “We also wanted to launch Ataribox with our community, and reward our fans with exclusive early access, special editions, and include them as active participants in the product rollout.”

It will be available first through Indiegogo’s crowdfunding this fall, with a global launch slated for Spring of 2018. The expected price range will be 249-299 USD, depending on which edition/memory configuration desired. One of the biggest draws for the Ataribox is that it’s an open system. It’s not closed off like most consoles are; users will have free access to customize the OS how they see fit and Atari fans around the world will have access to this incredible technology.

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