Call of Duty

Ok, this is a FPS, I know not a MMORPG, but this is a good game, and this is taken from demo, I havn’t played full-version yet, but what I played, ROCKED! It takes place during World War 2

Graphics: 9/10- I loved the explosions especially on the tanks, the characters were good, not top of the line so, a little blocky, the gun affects were nice to ๐Ÿ™‚ Over all, they get a good rating

Sound: 8/10- I loved the explosion sounds, like when you implant C4 or whatever it was on a tank and hear it explode, the character voices were nice and realistic, the gun sounds were great ๐Ÿ™‚ Didn’t pay attention if their were music or not, don’t think there was, but, I was busy listening tot he explosions and stuff and didn’t pay attention to that- Another high score

Missions 6/10- This is taken from demo, a level I see alot in fps games, plant C4 in this case, a tank, watch it explode after taking out all the guards and move on, the demo mission was pretty short, but it was still fun

Fellow soldier help/AI 8/10- Ignore the dumb rank title, couldn’t find a good name, now on with the topic, in the mission I played I had a few soldiers helping me, which they really did save my life a few times, I was about dead then they killed him and I ran to get the health kit and moved on, really good AI to, my other fellow soldiers crouched when needed and hid behind stuff to block the fire from the enemy, it’s all good ๐Ÿ™‚ The enemy AI I didnt see much, they seemed to just keep firing at the wall or vehicle without doing any damage, but still, my fellow soldiers were good

Overall 9/10- I loved the game, I loved the mission, the game was pretty good, one of my favorite games out this year, and this was only the demo..I still liked it, I give this a high score, I reccomend this to all FPS/World war game lovers, like I said up top, it takes place in World War 2

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