Clancraft Crowns Second Beta Test

Clancraft, a premier game portal for MMOs big and small, has begun the next beta testing phase of their newest title, Clancraft!  A browser game that crosses town building and simulation in an exciting mix, the game features classic artwork inspired by European fairy tales.  But don’t think these cutesy characters don’t come fully loaded with plenty of power!  Players can leap straight into the newest open beta right now at

Dios is rapidly changing; only the power of heroes can keep her from unravelling at the seams!  Clancraft invites new and returning beta testers to experience new content including new PVE, PVP, and base building to explore!  Now rise above the crowd as the race to level 70 is on.  Which hero will reach this lauded goal first?

The base development system has also seen additional refinements, streamlining the experience based on users’ feedback through the first beta.  New events have also been added, so blow the horns of war and face the wrath of a mighty king in the new story arc!  Clancraft now also boasts daily login bonuses, social sharing bonuses, extra boosts for leveling up, and a brand new wanted bounty system.

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