GameLoop, a Mobile Dedicated Social Network for Gamers, Announced

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Loop Unlimited, Inc. today announced GameLoop, a social network platform for gamers and developers available exclusively on mobile devices.    Developed by a team of industry veterans, GameLoop is a dedicated hub for gaming related expression and community.  GameLoop allows casual and core gamers alike to share their opinions, connect with like-minded friends, and discover new gaming experiences.  Sourcing the power of the community, developers will be able to use GameLoop to generate genuine interest for their games. GameLoop launches today on the Canadian App Store and is coming soon to the U.S. App Store.


In GameLoop, a user’s profile is automatically generated from the user’s gaming library located on his or her mobile device.  Personal feeds and game recommendations are tailored to users’ gaming tastes making for a unique, dynamic and fun interaction.  By “tagging” posts by game, users no longer need to sift through endless feeds and can easily search for desired material.  GameLoop’s powerful recommendation engine accurately suggests games that users will enjoy based on social trends and the users’ own gaming profiles. These recommendations allow users to easily find games that match their lifestyle and gaming preferences, discover new information and find new friends.  GameLoop is free-to use and integrates with Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.
“GameLoop is the ideal place to talk about the games you like and discover the games you will love.” – Steve Ganem, CEO of Loop Unlimited, Inc.  “GameLoop will create a hub for players and developers around their games, and eventually, developers of those games will be able to reach their audiences directly.”

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