Mobile MMORTS Casters of Kalderon Now Available on Google Play


Kalderon Herseki

The Finnish indie game studio Helmeni Ltd. has successfully launched the open beta for their MMO real-time strategy game Casters of Kalderon. The free-to-play MMO is available on Google Play in the USA, UK, Ireland, and Canada, as well as Finland, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Russia, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

The game world of Kalderon is being rebuilt after a destructive magical war. Players take on the role of a caster who commands dragon magic and must attempt to rebuild the realm and restore it to its former glory. Players have an extensive coalition system to help them protect their territory and its heart, the Dragonium tower, and to defeat seemingly overwhelming enemies. With up to 20 players, a coalition can devise strategies against its enemies via in-game live chat and lead armies into battle together. In addition to PvP, there are also lots of missions and campaigns to choose from, and completing them will unlock valuable rewards and resources. Thanks to the in-game economics and trade system, players can exercise their mercantile talents to increase their income and enlarge their troops.

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