OSRS HD Client Installation Guide

By Jason Fogerty (JFogerty)

Excited for your chance to play Old School RuneScape in HD? In this guide, we are going to teach you how to install the OSRS HD Client. Not familiar with the HD client? To get you started, let’s go over a little background to catch you up.

What is the OSRS HD Client?

The OSRS HD Client is the work of modder 117Scape. What it does is self-explanatory. It makes it possible for you to experience OSRS in HD. Pretty cool, right?

OSRS HD Plugin Screenshot

What Happened Between Jagex and 117Scape?

Here’s the thing — a lot went down before the OSRS HD Client became available to players. In fact, for a while there, it looked like we were not going to be able to enjoy it at all.

Early this month, Jagex released its “Third-Party HD Clients Statement,” which said, “Yesterday we contacted the developers of known HD projects and we asked them to stop development of their projects, because this is a project we are directly investigating at Jagex.” Despite the vagueness of this declaration, everyone could guess pretty easily whom they were talking about.

The company also included its message to 117Scape, which explained further, “[Our project] is an in-house project and, though early, is very much in progress. Naturally, this means that any fan-led project which seeks to change the way Old School RuneScape looks is at odds with our own plans. We think it’s absolutely vital that there is consistency in the way that Old School looks, and so we want to make certain that our official changes will be the only ones available.”

Players raised an uproar in response to the news. Realizing they had made a mistake, Jagex posted three days later: “We’re delighted to confirm that we’ve reached a positive agreement with 117Scape, and that their much-anticipated HD Plugin for the RuneLite client will be made freely available on Monday, September 13th when RuneLite pushes it live.” In fact, 117Scape announced that Jagex and the modder will be collaborating on it going forward.

So, there was a lot of drama there. But at least in the end, it seems like it all worked out for the best. 117Scape didn’t lose all that hard work, and gamers do not have to wait around for Jagex to do their thing.

How to Install the OSRS HD Client

Here are the simple step-by-step instructions for how to install the client so you can experience HD Old School RuneScape:

  1. Get started with RuneLite.

First things first. Download RuneLite if you do not already have it, and open a new account.

Make sure you get it from the official website.

  1. Log into your OSRS account.
  2. Download the OSRS HD Client in RuneLite.

Here is where it gets a little tricky if you are new to RuneLite. If you have used RuneLite before, you already know what to do.

Start by checking the top right part of the screen for the Configuration icon, and click on it.

From there, go ahead and click on “Plugin Hub.”

Locate “117 HD” and click “Install.”

  1. Enable the OSRS HD Client.

Now, just head back to Configuration and enable the plugin.

Have Fun With the HD Client for OSRS

That is all there is to it. You can now play the HD version of OSRS and admire the incredible work of 117Scape.

You will have the most fun playing HD OSRS if you have plenty of OSRS gold. So, be sure and stock up before you log in. Have fun experiencing the world of Old School RuneScape in a whole new way.


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