Horace Receives New Game Modes in Update

Horace Announcement Trailer - Coming July 18

Horace is an indie title from a two-man development team (Paul Helman, Sean Scaplehorn), and it receives a massive new update today. With this update, there are new features, game modes, and in-game items. This update is free and has plenty to offer. “The Time Machine” lets players revisit old boss fights, completed during normal gameplay. By doing this, players can unlock in-game movies and music tracks for the Cinema and Gramophone.

Located at the top of the players’ mansion, the new “Cinema” will allow players to re-watch their favorite cutscenes from the game. Cutscenes are unlocked through normal gameplay, by beating boss challenges in The Time Machine or by picking up a Bad RAM item from the game. “The Gramophone” is unlocked within the Cinema, and players can listen to tracks featured in the game. Finally, there is the “Arcade Game Cheats” feature, where players can add extra lives and give themselves added time bonuses during Horace’s mini arcade games by purchases the BASIC Floppy Disk from the in-game shop.

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