Kicks Online International: Kicking things off

Questions by Vincent Haoson, Onrpg writer
Answered by Product Manager Kai

Kicks Online International is one of those MMOs which turns something done in real life into a cyber experience that people who are not gifted enough physically can enjoy. The game has enjoyed a year of operations and we here at Onrpg are given the chance to poke and see how the game has fared so far.

Onrpg:  It’s been almost a year since the operation of Kicks Online How has the game faring?
The game has been improving tremendously with the introduction of new systems and competition.

Onrpg:  The biggest problem games like this have is that he lag issue, how do you handle this problem?
As Kicks Online uses the p2p system, the lag issue is a very tough problem to solve. Even attempts to upgrade the server seem inefficient as players are not able to feel the difference.  In order to reduce the lag within the game, Kicks Online developed a feature to detect player’s connection speed to the host in three different color, green for smooth connection, orange for average connection and red for bad connection. We also recommend players within the same region to play among themselves.

Kicks Online Playing Field

Onrpg:  How is the in-game population?
The population on weekend compare to weekday is higher as there are competitions going on during this period.

Onrpg:  What do you think is the defining feature for Kicks Online that attracts players to it? Why?
The defining feature for Kicks Online would definitely be the teamwork involved. Unlike other typical soccer games, players’ teamwork and coordination is put into test. Being a player with best skills and equipments does not make them a winner.

Onrpg:  What were the problems you faced as the game operations continued?
The operation of Kicks Online is a smooth journey, other than un-controllable latency problem.

Onrpg:  It would seem that the game controls are a big adjustment for beginners especially to those who are not used to that much choices in moves. What’s your say about the whole thing?
The game control is actually easy for new players to pick up.  Kicks Online uses common controls such as the direction arrows and A, S, D, W.

Onrpg:  Do player have access to the Goalie position? If not would it be accessible?
Players will not have access to the goalie position. This is to prevent “match-fixing”.

Onrpg:  Where do you get the ideas for the items you can wear in Kicks Online?
Kicks Online item idea comes from the daily lifestyle. The aim is not to make the game too professional and stringent to the typical soccer games. Players can design their characters from a professional footballer jersey to beach style.

Kicks Online Wear

Onrpg:  Where do you get the ideas on the skills players can have in Kicks Online?
The skills in Kicks Online range from real-life skills such as the famous side-step and Russian roulette to exaggerated comic style such as Lightning kick.

Onrpg:  Do you plan on adding more skills for players to acquire in the future?
Definitely! As the game progresses and more updates coming out, more skills will be available for players to choose.

Onrpg:  Would there be a chance you would create a live event?
Run Up Game had already organized a live event once. That will also not be the last. So do check out Kicks Online website often for updates on event.

Onrpg:  How important would the clubs be in the games future?
Club function had always been important from the past, now, and the future. It is the key factor where players build up their friendship, teamwork and community. That is what keeps Kicks Online going. Before the club/competition function was released, unofficial  clubs had already been organizing friendly matches and team training among themselves.

Onrpg:  Where do you picture Kicks Online be in the future?
Kicks Online would probably be one of the best MMO soccer game. With the ability to compete against a team of 5 real players, if gives players a realistic online soccer environment whereby mistakes will be made, skills can be improved, strategies planned. It is one MMO that rushes your adrenaline in every matches played.

Kicks Goal

Onrpg:  What’s in store for Kicks Online the succeeding months?
Kicks Online will be implementing more interesting maps and soccer balls for players to choose from, and also online and offline events for players to participate. Visit Kicks Online official website for the latest updates on events and new release features! 

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