MEAD: RIFT 1.10 – Calm Before the Storm

MEAD: RIFT 1.10 – Calm Before the Storm

By Shannon Doyle (Leliah), OnRPG Journalist



It’s been a while since Rift had its last major update. You can blame convention season for that. Oh and this little thing you might have heard of called Storm Legion. If you haven’t its ok, it’s really sort of underground right now. Anyway! I have been super excited about today’s topic since Gamescom and I am so glad I finally get to talk about it! 1.10, or as I like to call it 1 10. 1.10 just sounds funny when you say it out loud. It is just around the corner and just in time for the autumnal season change. And for those of you who want something to call it besides 1.10 how does Calm Before The Storm sound? Sounds pretty epic if you ask me.



Thanks to a tweet last week we know that the patch notes for Storm Legion are 60 pages long, just for the class changes. But what will Calm Before the Storm have? Well I can tell you that calm does not in any way mean small. As always Trion has gone to amazing lengths with 1.10.



So, you might have heard, Guardians and Defiants…they’re kinda buddy/buddy now. After all we did that whole defeating the dragons thing. Why not work on world peace? What am I saying? Just that we’re going to have cross faction playing now. You know, no big deal. Oh wait! It kinda is. Guardians can play with Defiants, Defiants can play with Guardians. Telara as we know it is changing! But! This only applies if you’re on a PvE server. Why? Well it wouldn’t be very nice to keep killing your teammates. If you like open world PvP, you can keep on killin’. If you’re on a PvE server and you decide to flag yourself then you cannot team with the opposite faction. And if you get flagged while already on a cross faction team you get booted from the group. What can you do cross faction?



Open World/Public Groups


Looking for Dungeon Tool


Instant Adventures


Group Conquest/Warfronts


Chat Channels and Tells

Quest sharing



Friends List



That instant adventure thing, its kinda catching on. First only the higher levels could do it. Then they gave it to the lower level zones. Now it’s Scarwood Reach’s turn. I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with this zone. But I’m glad to see that the instant adventures are continuing on. I really enjoy playing them. But I wouldn’t do them much during normal levelling. I had a hard enough time not outleveling things without them. But my 50 is going to play them a ton, at least until the level cap is bumped and I’ll be earning regular xp again.



How about that event? Every release has an event. They may not always start right away but it always comes. There isn’t a whole lot of information about 1.10’s event yet. But we do know that there are going to be new mounts and it will have an autumn theme. Let’s just hope we don’t get another video like we did for Halloween last year. (Actually do hope for that. It was awesome.)



And! Everyone’s favorite! A Return to Telara weekend! If you’ve had any friends who have left Rift, or if you’ve even stopped playing yourself mark down September 14-16th on your calendars. Because for that weekend you will have free access to all your characters. Make sure you get that install done early. You don’t want to waste precious time!



For those that are unaware here are the details on ordering the Storm Legion expansion:



Standard Edition

The standard edition costs €25/$40 for current players and €40/$50 for new players. With it players get Storm Legion, the exclusive air cape, and access to the first expansion’s dungeon weeks before anyone else. On top of that new players will receive the base game and 30 days of gameplay.



Infinity Edition

So if you get those awesome things with the regular edition, what do you get in the Infinity Edition? Well, it comes with everything from the Standard Edition plus; A Mini Regulos pet, a Cyclone mount, and a Brevanic Portal Generator. What does the Portal Generator do though? It gives you access to the porticulum network from anywhere. The Infinity Edition costs €35/$50 for current players and €50/$60 for new players.



Subscribe For A Year

The last option is to subscribe to Rift for a year. With that you get Storm Legion for free! You also get the exclusive Landslide mount and Stormbringer title. Oh and of course you get to play Rift for a year.


Aaah, if only those were the only options available! Just like when Rift first went on sale a variety of retail partners will also have Storm Legion. And if you order through them you get different items! If you order from Trion you get the Storm Warden’s cape, but if you order through any of the partners the cape is different. Amazon has the Time Lord’s Cape, Steam has Shade Lord, Hoard Warden’s Cape is available via Best Buy, the Flame Lord’s from GameStop and finally the Forest Warden’s is available when you order from Walmart.



I still haven’t done it yet. I’m agonizing over which cape I want. But get your pre orders in soon! There isn’t much time left until November and you wouldn’t want to miss out.



The rest of this year is going to be an insanely awesome and exciting time for Rift. September we have 1.10, October is Halloween and you know they won’t pass that up. Which leads us to November which is 1.11 and Storm Legion. And then before you know it we’re in December facing down Christmas and the end of the year. And you’ll find me running around like a mad woman trying to get my hands into everything. Because I want it all! Hopefully soon we will hear more about the new souls. And I’ll decide who I need to remove from Faeblight to make a new character. Or maybe if we ask Trion really nicely they’ll let us have more characters on a shard. *puppydogeyes* I’ll love you forever more than the forever I’ll already love you just because you’re awesome! Haha, anyway! Come back next week for some more exciting news from Telara and all things Rift.

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