MMOHuts/OnRPG @ New York Comic Con 2012 – Day 2

MMOHuts/OnRPG @ New York Comic Con 2012 – Day 2 

By Michael Sagoe (mikedot) and Isaac Sagoe (Afromania)



It’s the second day at the NYCC, and today was actually kind of slow compared to yesterday. There sadly wasn’t a lot going on in terms of MMO related panels, but there were still plenty of crazy cosplayers to take pictures of!



The day started off with a quick run down to the Marvel Heroes booth. We wanted to see if we could get an appointment for an interview, however the staff at the booth said they were pretty booked. Luckily they were able to sneak us in for an interview this upcoming Sunday! So look forward to a few shots of the booth and an interview for the game really soon.



I checked my program schedule to see what other MMO related titles I could check out, and found that there was going to be a Planetside 2 panel around 5:15 PM. I was set on making it to that panel, but I needed to kill some time before then, so I decide to re-acquainted with an old friend.



Capcom was showcasing plenty of different titles at NYCC this year, including DmC: Devil May Cry, Lost Planet 3 and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. I was really big into Monster Hunter a couple years back, but then lost interest when Capcom stopped pushing the game in Western territories. Now it seems like they want to give the series another chance in the west, and I’m more than ready to jump back in. Waiting in line to try out the game was even more excruciating. Even though the line was incredibly be short, an average hunt in any Monster Hunter game lasts about 30 minutes (the same amount of time limited on the 3DS demos), so it took a lot longer than I wanted it to.



Once I finally got on, it was a blast to play!  It featured all the updated mechanics from Monster Hunter Portable 3rd(only available in Japan). Features such as the new combo attacks for dual blade weapons and getting to see some previous flagship monsters such as the Nargacuga from Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G(Monster H Freedom Unite in the west) in full HD was nice. The game is definitely on my radar for next year.



Across from me while I was waiting to try out Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate was the Ubisoft booth and a dance stage to promote the new and upcoming “Just Dance 4” along with “The Hip-Hop Dance Experience.” During the Just Dance dance party, several cosplayers, including one freaky looking Venom, was shaking their groove-thang.



During the Hip-Hop dance off, my brother and a bunch of random crazy guys were dancing off to  Terror Squad’s “Lean Back”. I don’t have any pictures of it, but expect a silly video to be up on YouTube soon.



With enough time killed, I went off to check out the PlanetSide 2 convention, but not before running into A GOD DAMN DINOSAUR!



Seriously, this dinosaur costume was pretty amazing, with both a moving mouth and moving eyelids. I give major props to the creator of that costume. All I could think was “Shootah! Shootah!



Even with all the distractions, I managed to show up on time, but sadly for me, when I got to the room where the Planetside 2 panel would be, I found out that the show was cancelled, with a big sticker slapped it on top of the chart outside of the room.



Looking for more MMO related stuff to report on: There was a teeny, tiny, booth tucked away for an Anime MMORPG called Remnant Knights. I had never heard of this game before, but the whole idea of the game’s two main factions being Academies that teach combat and magic was interesting. There was a raffle contest going on, but not a lot of people seemed interesting. Though, they were giving out plenty of access codes for in-game content, so I managed to snag one.



For those that are interested in trying our Remnant Knights: Enter the code “NYCC12” in the game to get $20 worth of free items.



I don’t have much else to say, because I ended up falling asleep during a costume contest in the basement level of the Javits center, only to wake up to a “Harry Potter: Quidditch 101” match, which was just plain weird to watch! How do you try and re-create a game of Quidditch in real life, you ask? By turning it into a bastardized cross between flag football and basketball, of course.


(Crappy picture, I know, but it’s A LOT worse to see it in action. Trust me.)


That’s all for day 2. Day 3 will most likely be the busiest day of the event. Stay tuned for more!

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