Boundary Early Access Trailer

Boundary is a multiplayer tactical space-based shooter game, now available in Steam Early Access.

Engage in fierce team vs team zero gravity firefights and execute low-gravity operations on orbiting space installations against other enemy astroperators and other entities.

More Boundary Videos

  • Boundary: RTX Demonstration

    Tactical multiplayer FPS Boundary reveals its first RTX tech demo.  

  • Boundary Teases the Flanker Class Update and More

    Surgical Scalpels offered a new teaser for an update in their upcoming near-future multiplayer shooter, Boundary.  New features were shown off, such as r

  • Boundary Heading to PS4 and PC

    Surgical Scalpels announced today that their near-future multiplayer shooter, Boundary will be arriving on Playstation 4 and PC, courtesy of a deal with pu