Detached to Receive a Cross-Platform PVP Mode and Non-VR Version in July

Fans of Detached will soon be able to play with each other, regardless of whether they use a PSVR or HTC Vive. On July 6th, Cross-platform PVP is on the way from Anshar Studios. Non-VR players/fans won’t be left out either, as a non-VR version is also coming so in case you don’t have a VR headset and want to experience space-exploring action, you will have that option as well. The non-VR version will be 14.99, whereas the VR version is 24.99 and there’s also a desktop demo version that will be available soon. The two PVP modes that will be able to be enjoyed are:

Package Extraction – An exciting battle for cargo in the middle of nowhere. Use all possible means to attack your opponent and gain an advantage. Avoid attacks to get back to the base in one piece.

Race – It’s a real roller-coaster ride! Racing between pieces of broken shuttle and large asteroids not only requires agility but above all the ability to anticipate. One thoughtless move and you’ll crash when you least expect it.

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