Elite Dangerous: Beyond – Chapter One Launches Soon

The wait is nearly over for the third season of Elite: Dangerous (Beyond), as it arrives on all platforms on February 27th! Beyond will be playable for free for all players and focus primarily on community-requested enhancements to the overall experience. New in-game content will progress the player-driven story and give pilots access to new tools to shape this narrative. With the release of Chapter One the crime and punishment system in Elite Dangerous will undergo a series of changes designed to improve the response to players’ criminal activities, making Open Play’s massively multiplayer galaxy fairer and more competitive. The new Advance Tactical Response will be hunting down repeat offenders, ‘Hot Ships’, attaching crimes to players’ spacecraft, and the new notoriety levels will increase consequences for illegal activities. This promises to make the galaxy a more challenging place for veteran criminals.

GalNet Audio is the main source of news in Elite Dangerous now, and it will be easily accessible for commanders to listen to and catch up on the latest updates and engage with the overarching narrative without having to leave the action. New contracts will also be available for Elite: Dangerous – Horizons owners, as tech brokers, dealers of rare tools/technologies will both give players a chance to acquire new items based on their personal experience. In addition, material traders will allow commanders to convert and exchange materials, making engineering and unlocking missions more accessible. There are also going to be a whole host of updates, overhauls, and improvements to the game to make it a more enjoyable experience overall.

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