Hero Zero is a free-to-play casual MMORPG developed by Playata GmbH for PC, iOS, Android and can also be played in an Internet browser. In Hero Zero you can create your own superhero in a comical universe that is filled to the brim with wacky villains, crazy criminals, and some of the strongest bosses in existence. The world needs someone to hand-deliver a healthy dosage of justice to all of the evil-doers in the world, and you're just the person to do it!
From Hero To Zero Start your way from the very bottom and specialize your hero in four stats to become a true hero over time.
Become the Best: Super heroes are always bound to disagree. Duel with others to gain honor and money!
Epic Missions: Every super hero must fight crime and do good. Find your way around the city and stop bad guys in their tracks!
Customizable Hero: Change your character's appearance, including what fancy clothes they're wearing (or not!), and specialize them into four stats to make them fit your playstyle.