Angels Online: Building Bonds with New Year Food Fest

Angels Online: Building Bonds with New Year Food Fest


The New Year signifies a new beginning and new challenges one must face and overcome to grow stronger. In Angels Online, even adventuring Angels have obstacles to deal with. A minor crisis is currently vexing the Angel Lyceum as their annual New Year’s Food Fest extravaganza, a social event for chefs and food-lovers alike, faces possible cancellation due to short supplies of Super Seasoning.


This heavenly ingredient is necessary to make all the finest dishes. Grande Chef, a highly respected master chef and the guest-of-honor for the event, is offering to cook up a magical dish as a reward for anyone who helps to gather Super Seasoning. Appeals have been sent out to all Angels asking for their help. Those who wish to pitch in can find Grande Chef stationed in the main cities of Eden, busily preparing food.



In Angels Online, even adventuring Angels have obstacles to deal with



“It seems that we have underestimated our need for Super Seasoning,” said Grande Chef. “It is the New Year season – a happy season – and I don’t want anyone walking away hungry.”

Angels Online provides players the opportunity to interact with and help nurture a vibrant gaming community, encouraging cooperation and exchanges among players. The New Year’s Food Fest is intended for new players Level 21 or higher. Such special events help them earn easy rewards and advance their character levels. The Angels Online team gives out special rewards to encourage players to train up and face new challenges as the game progresses. The New Year’s Food Fest is one such event that requires players to use basic game mechanics to satisfy the quest objective. In this case, Super Seasoning can be acquired from monster drops and resource gathering.


For players who prefer “greater strength,” the Item Mall offers another option. The Mall’s “Top-grade Seasoning” can be bought at a relatively cheap price and gives players stronger buffs and effects to help them tackle greater challenges.

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