Eudemons Unveils New Class: Vampire

Eudemons Unveils New Class: Vampire


Vampires, the dark, mysterious, and beautiful creatures, exert a peculiar fascination on a huge number of people. Though they are believed to be evil and dangerous, they are also portrayed as equally attractive and hypnotic. Everything about them draws you towards them, and that is how they manage to get their prey so easily, as depicted in the vampire legends.


Eudemons Online Vampire


As the current bloodsucking trend tells, we can find vampires just about anywhere. They have been mentioned in many literary works, and even television and movies have not been able to escape from the pull of the vampire. Vampire fans try all kinds of ways to be like them, and lead their way of life. But there is one way that we can become like the children of the night, and don’t have to drink blood or wear heavy makeup! You can just play an MMO!



However, we might find it hard to find a real good vampire MMORPG. It’s difficult to recommend a specific game to play too, because everyone likes something different. But there is one game we can definitely give a shot, and that’s Eudemons Online.


Eudemons Online Vampire


This free-to-play game is presented by TQ Digital, one of the top developers in China. It has a fabulous pet system and a massive community. Currently there are three different classes to choose from, and a new Vampire class will join very soon. TQ games have managed to attract hundreds of thousands of players from all around the world, and in Eudemons Online, this brand new vampire class will inevitably turn out to be a perfect addition. Their team created and tweaked the character all along the way, absorbing different ideas from players and team members.



Everyone is curious about the look, the power, the pets and the skills of the Vampire. The TQ team will soon be releasing several previews for all the players, followed up with some exclusive giveaways before the final release in July! It’s sure to be an exciting time for all of the EO fans!


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