Gamigo To Stress Test Black Prophecy’s US Servers

Gamigo To Stress Test Black Prophecy’s U.S. Servers

Gamigo is preparing to begin stress-testing the new North American servers for its highly-anticipated MMOG, Black Prophecy. OnRPG is tremendously excited at this announcement as our previous time in beta revealed tremendous lag in the starting zones that made the game nearly unplayable for West Coast players trying to access the UK server.



Starting tomorrow, Thursday, May 26th this issue will be a thing of the past and you can bet I will be back in the pilot seat to give the game another look! In addition, many bug fixes and game updates have gone live this week. Gamigo is inviting all players who were part of the recent closed beta to login and help stress test the servers  through Sunday, May 29th. All players who login during this time will receive a special gift at launch. I will see you there!

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