Maplestory Ends Summer of Chaos with Triumph Update

Maplestory Age of Triumph: The Age to End all Ages


MapleStory, the side-scrolling action MMORPG from Nexon, concludes the Chaos series of summer content updates this week with the Age of Triumph. Players who traverse Maple World on Global MapleStory servers can now experience new exclusive content, along with new quest lines and other new features. Be sure to check out this TRAILER for a first look at some of the new content!



A new adventure lies in the Age of Triumph, bringing players an entirely new story line called the Silent Crusade. This full length quest for players level 37-110 introduces a battle force that specializes in eliminating Master Monsters, a faction of enemies never before seen in MapleStory. Throughout their journey through the Silent Crusade, players can encounter NPCs that aid them along their quest, including one character that will grab the hearts of players seeking a new romance. The Silent Crusade is narrated through colorful, action-packed in-game cutscenes and through tandem battles with NPCs.



Beyond the hours of new gameplay included with the Silent Crusade, the Age of Triumph also introduces the Global MapleStory exclusive Capture the Flag mode, a new game type added to MapleStory’s Battle Mode. Two teams of three to six players each can now fight for their opponents’ flag, and the first team to capture the other team’s flag three times is declared the winner. Item drops, including speed-ups, power-ups, HP recoveries and more will aid players throughout the battle, along with additional points and medals for players who exhibit the actions of a true strategist.



Players can also check their inventory to find the Crusader Codex, an essential rolodex of the various monsters that roam Maple World. To complete their collection, players must collect Monster Cards by defeating enemies. When players fill the pages of their Codex with the Monster Cards, players will receive special prizes that reflect the completion of the book. Medals, ranging from Beginner Collector to Legendary Collector, will be awarded to players along with huge HP and MP power-ups.

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