OnRPG Shotgun News 10/8: Primal Carnage, World of Warcraft, and Final Fantasy XIV

OnRPG Shotgun News 10/8: Primal Carnage, World of Warcraft, and Final Fantasy XIV!

By Shannon Doyle (Leliah), OnRPG Journalist



Primal Carnage Enters Open Beta

The dinosaur/human multiplayer shooter Primal Carnage has entered Open Beta. Invitations will go out to those who have pre ordered the game first. Sign ups are also being accepted though you may not get in right away.



WoW Exploit Leaves Whole Cities Dead

Over the weekend an exploit left several cities dead on shards across World of Warcraft. It began on European shards where level one characters were instantly killing players and NPCs alike leaving entire cities deadzones. Blizzard has since reportedly fixed the exploit that made this possible and is looking into actions against anyone who took part.

Final Fantasy XIV Realm Reborn Alpha Coming This Month

Final Fantasy XIV Realm Reborn Alpha Coming

During a letter from the producer of FF XIV Realm Reborn it was announced that the Alpha would be coming at the end of October. The Alpha event will be considered a stress test for hardware, new server coding and much more. The exact dates of the alpha event will be announced as we get closer to the date.

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