OnRPG Shotgun News 1/11: TSW, Navy Field 2, Everquest, And Much More!

OnRPG Shotgun News 1/11: TSW, Navy Field 2, Everquest, And Much More!

By Shannon Doyle (Leliah), OnRPG Elder Scroll



Buy 2 Play Success With The Secret World

In a recent report from Funcom it was reported that there has been a 30% boost in sales of The Secret World since it made the transition to the B2P model which adds up to 70,000 copies. In addition activity levels in the game have risen over 400%. The report also mentions Funcom’s upcoming Lego Minifig MMO.



Everquest Gets Krono

Following in its younger sibling’s footsteps Everquest is introducing Krono. These in game items give players 30 days of gameplay membership. You can buy them from SOE if you want. Or you can also trade them in game and sell them for in game currency. Right now it will be just a trial, but it is likely that it will continue for the near future.



Neverwinter Video Reveals New Class

A new video has come from Perfect World looking at one of the classes that will be in Neverwinter. The Great Weapon Fighters come in two varieties, Damage Dealer or Secondary Defender. You can check the minute and a half video for yourself below.


src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/_PWA1unaRCo” frameborder=”0″ width=”640″ height=”385″>




Age of Conan Launches Secrets of Dragon’s Spine

Yesterday Age of Conan launched the Secrets of Dragon’s Spine update. With it comes a new area, new quests and storylines and of course the occasional fix. More content, a pvp arena, and a tradeskill revamp will also be on their way in future updates. The Secrets of the Dragon’s Spine is only available to paid, premium players.



Applications For Navy Field 2 Testing Open

Starting January 16th the pre-register website for Nexon’s Navy Field 2 will go live allowing those interested to sign up for the extensive testing that will take place. Nexon is saying it will be a back to basics beta with actual testing instead of an extended marketing tool.

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