Disney Online has added Ghost Ships to Pirates of the Caribbean Online. Nightmarish forces of evil and danger, players must keep their eyes out for these ill-fated vessels that are sure to challenge skills and nerves. The undead sailors are doomed to skulk around the waters of Isla Cangrejos and Cutthroat Island in their ominous ships Shadow Crow, Cerberus, and Blood Scourge. Battle-hardened sailors with nothing to loose, these dastardly creatures can be fought off, but they are no easy prey!
Disney Online has also launched a special Fathers Day Event. Captain Teague, the notorious pirate reputed to be Captain Jack Sparrows father, has gone missing. In honor of Fathers Day, Disney Online is asking that players help find Captain Teague – not an easy task, but it may make you a legend.
Lastly, Disney Online will launch a new screenshot contest called The Ultimate Ship Battle. From June 2nd until June 17th, players can submit their best Ship Battle screenshots at www.PiratesOnline.com. Ten lucky winners will receive an iPod Touch.
Disney Online has additional content planned for 2008 including the addition of ship Privateer battles. Players will have to choose a faction wisely Garcia de Avaracia or Pierre le Porc. Two new small islands in the backwaters of the Caribbean are the setting for what will surely be a showdown between players and their rivaling crews.