Shotgun News 11/19: EVE, Guild Wars 2, and Novus AEterno

EVE Rubicon Launches

Today saw the launch of EVE’s 20th expansion, Rubicon. It picks up where Odyssey left off with all new exploration and combat. Ships have had redesigns, and much more as EVE prepares for the next decade. Andie Nordgren, senior producer of EVE Online. “We are at the beginning of a multi-expansion arc that will forever alter the face of New Eden by offering players more power over the universe than ever before and setting them upon an inevitable path to ascension.”


Guild Wars 2 Announces Fractured Release

Continuing the living story ArenaNet has announced next week’s regular content update will feature some all new Fractals. One of which was voted on by the players earlier this year during Lion’s Arch elections. There will also be improvements to the fractal system which will make completing them much more rewarding. Oh and they made an awesome trailer to go with it.

Novus AEterno Arrives on Kickstarter

We’ve had our eyes on Novus AEterno for well over a year now. And at last the MMORTS has arrived on Kickstarter! They’re looking to raise $200,000 in the next 30 days. In 2012 we named them the Best RTS at PAX Prime. Best of luck to Nick and everyone else at Taitale Studios!

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