Siegelord: New Details on Faction War Revealed


37Games has just released a new trailer video for Siegelord focusing on the real-time Faction War which turns out to be the most significant aspect of this game.

Start a faction war: “War is like love: easy to begin but very hard to stop.” – H. L. Mencken Your first mission is to expand your faction’s territory with the help of your friends and allies from across the globe.

Explore the Thieden and uncover valuable resources:“Unexplored paths lead to undiscovered treasures” – Consztance Chuks Friday.

By moving to different areas in the world map you may find many resource such as gold, recruiting horns, food and gear for your generals. You can even gain experience by bribing barbarians.

Besiege rival factions: “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” – Sun Tzu
Convene your troops outside the walls of any city you want to besiege. You can choose to send all your generals to a same city or assign them to different cities simultaneously. Victory will depend on how you split up or join your forces.

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