Tales of Pirates: New Advanced Monsters Preview

Tales of Pirates (http://top.igg.com) has added many new advanced monsters into its new version.

Players probably haven’t ever come across this cuddly little guy before. The cursed Ice Dragon has only bones instead of flesh and blood, and the magic curse that holds it together has made the dragon ruthless and terribly cunning.
Coming across this sinister beauty is both frightening and strangely alluring. She is the sister of the Goddess, but not as mild as her. The Soul of the Goddess is half angel and half demon, so she is very mobile and easily irritated. Don’t bother her unless you absolutely have to.

In addition, there are still many more powerful monsters , such as the Cursed Corpse-Wandering Mermaid-Horrible Yeti… and they all reside in the ToP world and often attack innocent villagers. Warriors! Wait no longer. For glory and honor players must find these monsters and kill them all!

For more about ToP, please visit the official site: http://top.igg.com.

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