TERA: New content update revealed


En Masse Entertainment and Bluehole Studios has announced that a new expansion will be coming to TERA soon. This expansion will be released gradually in multiple phases, and they include:

  1. Level cap increase to level 65, along with new skills and glyphs
  2. Opening of the Northern Arun continent, which will host the 4th largest city
  3. New instance dungeons including a competitive instance
  4. System changes such as quest guide, crystal & artifact combination, enchanting system improvements
  5. Guild competition for seasonal guild housing

Korea will begin its new content release in late July, and En Masse’s current goal is to start making the new contents available for players before the end of the year.

For more info, visit http://tera-forums.enmasse.com/forums/general-discussion/topics/TERAs-Future-Level-Cap-Increase-Northern-Arun-Continent?page=1

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