Top Ten Ways To Tell If You Play Too Much Voyage Century Online!
(Sunnyvale, CA January 19, 2007) With the New Year every newspaper and magazine gives out lists of top ten people, places and things. Voyage Century Online, with tongue planted firmly in cheek, releases the Top Ten Ways To Tell If You Play Too Much Voyage Century Online. Take a break from the pressures of your day and enjoy!
Top Ten Ways To Tell If You Play Too Much Voyage Century Online.
10: You load up your car full of cheap stuff at Wal-Mart and then get upset when you can’t resell it at Target.
9: You find yourself eyeing the hedgehogs at the pet store very carefully.
8: You’ve honestly tried to mount a figurehead to your car so you can carry more people.
7: You use hours of mining/woodcutting as a form of punishment for the kids.
6: You try to install cannons out the back window of your SUV.
5: You are no longer afraid to fly because if your plane crashes you will respawn in the previous airport.
4: You tell your kids there wont be Christmas this year because you have just hunted twelve reindeer and none of them dropped treasure maps.
3: You ask a car salesman how much metal and timber it will cost to upgrade your car to a BMW.
2: You try to ram every black vehicle you see at the supermarket, and then you take their goods.
And the number one way to tell if you play too much Voyage Century Online
1: You attach sails to your car, drive off the pier into the sea, and then start screaming, Abandon ship! when the car submerges.
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