What Makes a Good Company?


That’s a question I ask myself on and off. What makes a good company? Is it huge success? Happy employees? Well, in the gaming community, maybe it’s a little different.  Sure, there are companies like  Riot, who have millions of fans and rake in absolutely ludicrous amounts of money for making a skin. Then we have a possibly smaller company, such as HiRez Studios. HiRez is a “good company” in my eyes. Why is that? They do things that prove they care about their fans. Sure, it all boils down to making money, that’s what a company is for, so that everyone involved in it can succeed. But, damn. Everytime I interact with them I see what a wonderful group of people they are. They do a lot of little things to keep peoples interest up. And it doesn’t require game modes that take months to craft! Game modes that are only around for a weekend, then gone again. Does their World Championship have the same audience as League or Dota?

Not really. But the fans are just a rabid, and remember, Smite’s only on Season 3. It’s still got a lot of time and a long ways to go. What gave me this revelation? Most of my dealings with HiRez are with someone like Drybear on Twitter, occasionally their Head Honcho, but mostly it’s through Gabe, who is an incredibly considerate person. The PR people are often the face of a company in many regards. The way they treat press and fans alike is noticed. But one of the coolest things I’ve seen a MOBA/Gaming company do was the video for the “Gabe Said So Sale”, a parody of the Steam Summer Sale. The video made me laugh all day.  It was hilarious, clever, and while it won’t compete with the Steam Sale [what can?], it’s a great way to show the audience of Smite that they’re listening. That they are paying attention to what their fans are looking for. They started from a small, humble beginning and are continuing to grow and try new things. They listen to the outcry of their audience, and I appreciate that.

See? I don’t hate everything.



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