World of Warcraft: Taiwanese player “beats” WoW!

A Taiwanese player managed to complete (nearly) all the achievements in World of Warcraft reaching 986 / 986!
On taiwanese servers, a Tauren Druid on the TW-Wrathbringer succesfully completed all achievements in the game and is the first player to reach 986/986 achievements completed on the armory.
All Achievements Done
Technically he’s still missing the BB King achievement (added with Patch 3.2.2) and his World Events achievements are down to 138/139 because of that, luckily a bug with an old PvP achievement gives him 165/164 in the PvP achievements list and that’s how he got 986/986.
Winner of All Achievement Points 
The achievement count obviously doesn’t take Feats of Strength into account because it’s technically impossible to get all of them.
Congratulations from the OnRPG crew!
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