Blood Ancestors Enters Open Alpha Today on Steam

Blood Ancestors Open Beta

Snowpeak Studio is proud to announce that their team-based melee combat multiplayer title, Blood Ancestors has officially entered Open Alpha on Steam. Players pick from 18 characters, each with their own unique playstyles, and team up to do battle on blood-soaked maps, using swords, shields and magic. Characters also have three loadout styles to choose from: offensive, defensive, and utility, and have a pool of over 150 skills to refine their chosen playstyle and make each character a unique, interesting experience. The Open Alpha begins at 2:30 EST, and will make an appearance in Steam Early Access in Mid August.

“We have always enjoyed first person team focused multiplayer, games like Team Fortress, Overwatch, Chivalry, among others have been inspirations to our small studio and we wanted to create something that was different but feels familiar at the same time,” Said David Broto, co-founder of Snowpeak studio.

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