City of Heroes MetaÂ’s Verse: Citizenship

City of Heroes Meta’s Verse: Citizenship


This week the player base of City of Heroes got some pretty exciting news about stuff to come. As a thank you, and present for the seven year anniversary of City of Heroes going live, we the players are in for a big treat. A little something new, something old and maybe the best and most talked about gift of all, a sneak peek at things to come.


City of Heroes Angel Wings

The New

The first part highlighted in the announcement was the creation of a new chest symbol which consists of seven stars. It is stylish and a great change from the other star options already available for use. Using that same seven star design we have a new badge that will also be available to us. Its titled The Constant. Along with the newly designed badge and chest emblem we will also have a new emote which shows off our alignment. There are four of them in total, each one featuring the alignment circle. These don’t seem to be available for Praetoria unfortunately. Though at the same time this is understandable. Going around Praetoria showing off your Resistance pride is a good way to get yourself thrown into the Behavior Adjustment Facility.


City of Heroes New Symbol Meta MMORPG

The Old

Easily the largest part of the rewards is the release of the Vanguard Pack. What is this pack of which I speak? Well its all the Vanguard costume parts, including the weapons which you can buy with Vanguard merits already along with the Vanguard costume change emote. This will leave only a few things for you to buy with the Merits. Though I would argue that they are more than enough to keep the Merits alive and well. They include everything from extra storage to the Gr’ai Matter Component for the new Incarnate system and a power core for the Heavy Vanguard Assault Suit (HVAS). Which leads me into the last part of the Vanguard pack. Included in the pack will be a Vanguard noncombat pet. I can only imagine the MVAS will be the most adorable thing ever and everyone will be wanting one. I certainly want one!..


META City of Heroes Old Vanguard

Sneak Peak

The most talked about part of this announcement is the sneak peek at some new animal costume parts. Is this a peek at the new animal booster people have been asking for? Is this a peek of the “wild” things to come that were mentioned the Producer’s Letter? Is it both? Either way I think its very exciting and the official boards are showing that the people agree. In the pictures of the alignment emotes the last one shows a snow leopard in it. This is a new head and a new pattern to put on clothes. There are also rumors that the feet of the dragon creature in the third picture are new. This isn’t something I know much about as I’ve never played a reptile. Even though I’m currently pondering over an idea for a sewer monster. I just can’t convince anyone to join me.


META Most Talked about City of Heroes MMORPG


So now that I’ve told you all about what will be coming for our seven year celebration I’m sure you’re wondering how to get it. It’s a fairly straight forward loyalty based reward. Just keep your account active from February 1st 2011 until April 18th 2011. If you do that then on April 28th the Vanguard pack and all the new things will be unlocked on your account. As is the nature of people some just aren’t satisfied. Some people are saying that while this is an amazing reward it should only be available to people who have been loyal to the game for the full seven years. I do agree that at some point a small reward of some kind, maybe an extra badge should be available for those (crazy) people who have played since City of Heroes went live. On the other hand I have only been a loyal minion for three years now. And if a thank you of this size was only given to that very small group of people I would feel like my time has been unvalued. I can only imagine how others would feel. Those friends who have played so long they’re only missing one veteran reward. I can only imagine they would feel outraged. So to those people crying out for rewards for life long loyalty I say: “I hear you but it isn’t going to happen”.


City of Heroes Real World Hero


Oh…wait, you’re still here? Yeah, I’ve said everything there is to say about the anniversary rewards. But now I have a bit of an update on an article from a few weeks ago. You may recall my article at the start of December about Real World Hero. The charity drive being run by fans of City of Heroes.


Well now the totals have been added up, and the announcement has been made. The charity drive for 2010 raised just over $12,000. This is up from last year by a couple of thousand of dollars. The top raising server was Virtue. Each of the four charities received over a thousand dollars, Child’s Play getting the most at $4,380. The auctions themselves raised over three thousand dollars.  I’m truly amazed at how generous  this community is, even during these tough economic times. I can’t wait to see what 2011 has in store for us.



Meta’s Verse is written by Meticulous Meta who lives in Atlas Park with her dog Snuflé

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