Nival Announces Prime World’s “Winter Revolution” with Massive Giveaway


Nival, the Russian publisher behind the heavily RPG focused MOBA, Prime World, has something quite special in-store for players that have registered and played their game prior to 4pm EST today. Marking their largest giveaway to date, these accounts will receive 3,000 gold (the equivalent of $100 worth of cash shop currency), bringing the grand total to roughly $38,000,000 given out in total. Man that’s a lot of zeros!

This coincides with the “Winter Revolution” that will join the Russian servers and English servers together, solving one of the primary complaints of the game: queue times. Due to the nature of accounts holding an individual elo and hero elo along with heroes that gain power through combat and evolve over time, it becomes increasingly difficult for Prime World to efficiently set up fair matches in a timely manner. By fusing these two player groups together, this should be thing of the past.

Beyond this, English players will now be able to experience all content launched on the Russian servers including the Spaghetti Monster and Snowboard skin line.

Players must register at or through Steam before the deadline to get in on the giveaway


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