Role Play Worlds is a free to play, massive multiplayer online role play game. Built by the people of the community who are also the role players, and led and directed by the RPW Core in order to keep the organization and themes in line and for future expansion.
RPW Residents, is a term used to identify the active users that make use of the virtual world, they usually explore the lands on their own or join groups defined by a specific role depending on the theme, for example: Example City Warrior, where the role is to protect the city against other group attacks or make use of the weapons into a political dispute.
The world is divided by themes, called Realms, to suit the residents interest, so if a group decide to start an American Wild West theme, for example, they can purchase a virtual land (See Virtual Lands) and build over it, while other users can get another plot of land and place it near it and expand it and so on. This way each theme is self-developed by the same community. At this moment, the most active theme is the Gorean one (from the books of John Norman) a General Fantasy one and emerging futuristic themes like Star Trek.
Role Play Worlds makes use of an "in game" economy system based on PayPal. Each resident avatar is linked to a user specified email address that’s used for the PayPal transaction. Any user can create an object inside the game, or design it on a professional 3D modeling software like Maya, etc, and sell it inside the game for other users to use it. Basically the system works as a shopping cart, when the buyer buys from the creator, the system reads the creator’s email and sends the buyer to PayPal to place a payment to the creator’s avatar email address for that article, and once the payment is done, Paypal sends a message back to the game with the success or failed information, and the system delivers the item to the buyer if successful.