Dawn of Fantasy Announces “Siegeworks” Details

Dawn of Fantasy Announces “Siegeworks” Details


Dawn of Fantasy


Earlier in the week Reverie World Studios teased us with the prospect of an upcoming expansion to Dawn of Fantasy. Now new details have been revealed. This massive expansion pack, titled Siegeworks, is due for release later this fall, and promises to greatly enhance the gameplay experience in Dawn of Fantasy’s Online Kingdom. And the best part – this expansion is absolutely free! Reverie World Studios has stated that they see this as a way to give back to the community that supported the development of Dawn of Fantasy over the years.



The new expansion will put a strong emphasis on Player vs Player siege combat with the introduction of territorial control and epic realm warfare. In addition, the expansion will also greatly expand the game world, adding new towns to attack, new units to recruit, more quests to complete and new gameplay options.


Dawn of Fantasy


This massive expansion comes with an impressive feature list:

More Towns – Fifteen new NPC towns that players can visit, siege and defend! This more than doubles the number of attackable NPC towns in the game world

New Territorial Control gameplay – players will be able to take command of any of new and existing NPC towns across the realm either through the expanded diplomacy system or through conquest

New PvP Mode – players will battle each other for control of NPC towns in the brand new NPC Town Siege and NPC Town Defense modes

New Units – Several new siege engines and units will be added to the game, giving even more strategic options within Dawn of Fantasy’s already impressive siege combat gameplay

More Quests – the existing quest storyline will be expanded, plunging players into global warfare as various NPC realms and towns fight for domination providing a lot of siege combat opportunities



Get ready to experience Dawn of Fantasy like never before. With fantastic siege combat in a persistent online world environment, players will build, trade, ally and siege with hundreds of other players as they try to dominate the entire realm in the most elaborate persistent MMORTS game on the market!



In the weeks leading up the launch of Siegeworks, Reverie World Studios plans to release numerous showcases, a detailed feature walkthrough and a video overview.

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