OnRPG Shotgun News 2/13: Kartuga, WildStar, FireFall, and SWTOR

OnRPG Shotgun News 2/13: Kartuga, WildStar, FireFall, and SWTOR

By Shannon Doyle (Leliah), OnRPG Elder Scribe



Kartuga Reveals UI and Equipment Details

As the closed beta for Kartuga approaches more has been revealed about the UI, ship gear, ship crew members and weapons. Kartuga will feature cannons which can have special ammunitions which can be grabbed from consumables. They aren’t the only consumables though, there are offensive and defensive consumables. Crew members can give additional bonuses according to their role. Gunners improve weapon and skill properties and Carpenters make the ship more durable.



Firefall Intergrates Twitch Broadcasting

Firefall’s community has completed it’s Founders Rewards program which brings the intergrated Twitch broadcasting put into the game. This means players will be able to live broadcast straight to their own Twitch channels.


WildStar Introduces Dominion Faction and Stalker Class

After announcing last week that WildStar would be released in 2013 this week WildStar is back to talk about the Dominion Faction and Stalker Class. The Dominion Faction are an interstellar empire that rules the galaxy using military might, religious zealous, and some advanced technology. The races in the Dominion Faction are the Cassian, Mechari, and Draken. The Stalker class uses stealth and nanotech infusion to be a silent and deadly assassin.




Mobile Billing Comes to SWTOR

A new option for buying Cartel Coins has been made available to people living in a select few countries. If you’re lucky enough to live in Germany, France, Taiwan, South Korea, Brazil, Turkey, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Hungary, Spain, Australia, or The Netherlands you can take part. SMS billing is only available right now for the purchase of 450 Cartel Coins and carrier fees will apply.

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