OnRPG Shotgun News 3/20: Sevencore, WildStar, The Repopulation, and Much More!

OnRPG Shotgun News 3/20: Sevencore, WildStar, The Repopulation, and Much More!

By Shannon Doyle (Leliah), OnRPG Elder Scribe



This is going to be the last Shotgun News this week as I am headed to PAX East. Be sure to come back to OnRPG to see the latest from Boston over the coming week. I’ll see you all back here next Wednesday.



GW2 Deal of the Day 3/20: Reading Glasses



What is Wildstar?

A new video has been released answering that question. And raising a whole lot more questions, like when is beta? Or, did I really just watch that? Check out the craziness for yourself.


March MechWarrior Update

The latest update from MechWarrior has arrived. With it has come it’s friends the Jagermech, and an all new map called theTourmalineDesert. In addition new player controls have gone live with a new Testing Grounds mode to test yourself out before you ever hit the battlefield.



Defiance Aliens Introduced

Just a few of the alien races fromDefiancehave been introduced in a new video. The video focuses on the TV show and it’s cast but it all applies to the MMO as well.



Sevencore Announces Closure

gPotato has announced that Sevencore will be shutting down at the end of April. All money spent as far back as February 1st will be reimbursed with between 30% and 75% for older purchases.


The Repopulation Gets Ready For PAX

In preparation for PAX East this weekend The Repopulation has released a new gameplay teaser trailer. It features everything from player housing to epic music. But don’t take my word for it. Watch it for yourself.


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