Gorn Review: Goodness Gracious, Gore Galore

REVIEW By Terris Harned (NWOrpheus) Some games are praised for their graphical elegance. Other titles might be lauded for their masterful symphonic soundtrack. Perhaps a game’s story pulls at your heartstr...

UnderMine Early Access Review (PC)

REVIEW by Jason Parker (Ragachak) UnderMine stands out as an enjoyable, challenging roguelite. Roguelites offer at least a little bit of mercy: while you start back at the beginning if you die, you do get to...

What Is ‘Kusogrande’? Interview with Brossentia

INTERVIEW by Jason Parker (Ragachak) It’s no big secret that RPG Limit Break is one of my favorite times of the year now. Boy has my opinion changed on speedrunning over the years, even if I myself do no...

No Man’s Sky Beyond Update Now Live

ARTICLE After a couple of weeks of teasing the massive No Man’s Sky update, Beyond, Hello Games has launched it – with massive patch notes to boot. Beyond, which is flagged as Update 2.0, marks th...

Kickstarter Report: August 2019

ARTICLE by Jason Parker (Ragachak) It’s always a good month for video games! Kickstarter is a fantastic platform to see your dreams of any sort come to life. But, we’re a gaming website, so we hav...

Fire Emblem: Three Houses Review

REVIEW by Jason Parker (Ragachak) Fire Emblem is arguably the grandfather of the turn-based RPG genre, and the first I can think of that had Real-World Consequences. By that, I mean when a character dies, th...

Ragachak’s Favorite Superbosses in RPGs

ARTICLE by Jason Parker (Ragachak) The first Superboss technically was Warmec in Final Fantasy 1, though in all honesty, he’s just a really rare, ultra-powerful fight. It would be far too easy to just p...

Oxygen Not Included Review

REVIEW By Terris Harned (NWOrpheus) I never actually played Dwarf Fortress, so in some ways I’m a latecomer to the colony survival genre. I did play Gnomoria and Banished, and I reviewed Judgment: Apocalyp...