Zu Online: Guild PK Contest Schedule

The 1st Guild PK Contest will be starting soon. The Zu team today releases the group information and contest schedules as follows.

From 8:00pm to 9:00pm EST (GMT-5) on April 13th: Prophecy VS F4ll3n
From 9:00pm to 10:00pm EST (GMT-5) on April 13th: Valor VS REVENGE

From 8:00pm to 9:00pm EST (GMT-5) on April 14th: Fallen VS SNOXD
From 9:00pm to 10:00pm EST (GMT-5) on April 14th: Relentless VS Chosen

From 4:00am to 5:00am EST (GMT-5) on April 15th: Fate VS Newgalaxy
From 8:00pm to 9:00pm EST (GMT-5) on April 15th: Sanctuary VS ZuBored
From 9:00pm to 10:00pm EST (GMT-5) on April 15th: XxIMORTALxX VS RAWR

From 8:00pm to 9:00pm EST (GMT-5) on April 16th: B1 VS B2
From 9:00pm to 10:00pm EST (GMT-5) on April 16th: B3 VS B4

From 8:00pm to 9:00pm EST (GMT-5) on April 17th: B5 VS B6
From 9:00pm to 10:00pm EST (GMT-5) on April 17th: B7 VS B8

From 8:00pm to 9:00pm EST (GMT-5) on April 20th: C1 VS C2
From 9:00pm to 10:00pm EST (GMT-5) on April 20th: C3 VS C4

From 9:00pm to 10:00pm EST (GMT-5) on April 21st: D1 VS D2

Reward Time: 2:00am EST (GMT-5) on April 28th

For more information about this event visit: http://zu.igg.com/news/newscon.php?aid=475

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