Black Gold Online: New Class Spellsword Announced

Black Gold Spellsword Fly

Today Snail Games unveiled a new class for their steampunk-themed massively-multiplayer online role-playing game, Black Gold Online. New to the roster is the Spellsword, protégée of wielding devastating sorcery and exceptional swordplay.

Black Gold Spellsword Concept Art

Refined through years of conflict and adaptation, the Spellswords achieved magical prowess nearly unequalled in the land of Montel. Through the mastery of elemental forces, the Spellswords are able to fortify themselves at expense of their foe, sapping the life force and constraining the enemy into speechless misery. Agility and speed paired with explosive strength are the hallmark of these magic-wielding swordsmen.

Black Gold Spellsword Attack

Spellswords are capable of wielding magic to boost their strength and cripple their opponents. They are exceptionally balanced and highly adaptable to fit any role on the battlefield, making them an excellent base unit for enhancing a team’s strength. Read more on Black Gold Online’s official site.

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