WildStar Community Director Says Farewell

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A sad day for the WildStar community: Troy “Aether” Hewitt, Community Director, has announced he is leaving Carbine due to family tragedies:

Without going into too much detail, recent tragedies in my family require that I return home to be closer to my family. It was a decision I can only define as agonizing, but in the end, my family needs me.

Please understand: I love this team and I believe that WildStar is going to be blockbuster game. I’ve spent five amazing years learning more than I could have ever expected from all angles of the business of making games. It’s an experience I’ll remember and value forever, working with people that have become more than coworkers, but lifetime friends. I will miss them terribly.

You can read Hewitt’s full farewell letter, including a few audio clips that should make you smile, here.


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