Rend Begins Their First Public Alpha Test

Rend PUblic Test

Starting today, players worldwide can participate in the invite-only PC public Alpha Test for Rend. Rend is an upcoming faction-based fantasy survival game from Frostkeep Studios. Frostkeep boasts more than fifty years of combined experience, with founders who worked on everything from World of Warcraft, Overwatch, League of Legends, WildStar and more. Players can register for a shot at joining the public alpha on their official website. Combining RPG elements and survival genre tropes, it boasts a survival experience never before seen.

“Our goal at the start of this project was to continuously grow and improve Rend by gathering
direct feedback from our players every step of the way,” said Jeremy Wood, co-founder and CEO,
Frostkeep Studios. “As we lovingly craft this game with the help of our players, this project remains
just as much theirs as it is ours, and this public alpha marks a significant milestone as we offer
even more players around the world the opportunity to enter the world of Rend and join our

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