Maestia: Rise of Keledus First Major Update Opens September 19th

Maestia: Rise of Keledus First Major Update Opens September 19th




Gravity Interactive will receive an update for Maestia: Rise of Keledus dubbed “Skies of Palus”. The update will surprise the community by raising the level cap, expanding the skill tree, and adding a new PvP mode. Players can look forward to starting September 19th.



The upcoming update will increase the character level cap from 59 to 68. The update will be adding an exciting new zone to the game: Palus, The Forgotten Swamp is a new Day/Night zone for players to compete. Players will have the opportunity to engage in large scale battles to secure dominance for the raid bosses. The raid bosses will also receive an update by retuning the encounters to make it extremely challenging and unforgiving for unprepared parties. Skies of Palus will also a new dungeon instance with two sets of difficulty. Also included will be an expanded skill tree for every class that will give players new skills for these new encounters.


New Maestia Skills


The mercenary system will also receive an update by allowing players to recruit their alternate characters to expand the way they want to play in the game. Following this update, Gravity plans to coincide with the mercenary update with a new event. Players will also receive a new system to upgrade their older Maestone. The Maestone upgrade system will allow players to place their old Maestone for a chance an upgraded version.



Players are allowed this weekend only! Rare monsters from Lipido will be spawning with frenzy! The Dark Lord Keledus’s influence has been slowly creeping into the Land of Desires. His twisted dark energies corrupt the land by increasing the numbers of his strongest minions. Tales of glorious treasures hidden within their bodies have been heard in the streets of Superion. If you are heroes, stop this madness!

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