Yearly Archives: 2006

Xiah Interview

OnRPG: Can you explain the classes and their abilities please?

Mage – this female character uses a fan and brush to combat her enemies. Her speed makes up for her lack of strength and stamina. The Mage character is capable of healing other members in her guild as well as taming monsters. Her quick speed is a valuable asset during group play.

Sword Man – equally skilled in offensive and defensive skills due to his great strength and high stamina. This character uses swords as his main weapon of choice.

Ghost Fighter – uses a talon and tonfa as his primary weapons. This character relies on his speed and ability to poison enemies. What he lacks in the category of Life stats, is more than compensated with his high level of attack power. Has two special fighting skills which make him a great asset during combat. The ability to appear dead when around enemies and the ability to ascertain an opponent’s information can prove to be invaluable during battle.

Warrior – relies on his natural strength and stamina to overpower his enemies. He also has the ability to confuse his opponents during combat. This is a great choice for beginners due to his high stamina level. The Warrior’s slow attack speed is a slight disadvantage, but can be compensated by the high level of damage that he is able to inflict on enemies during battle. This character is a valuable addition during combat since he is able to block attacks by confusing the enemy.

OnRPG: What features set Xiah apart from other online role-playing games on the market already?

There are a few elements that set Xiah apart from other online role-playing games that are on the market. First of all, Xiah is an Asian-themed MMORPG. There are not many games within this category that currently are focusing on this theme. Another unique element is that gamers can use a game pad in addition to the traditional keyboard. This is a first-of-its-kind feature in the online gaming world. The game pad is something gamers enjoy since it brings a sense of familiarity when it comes to controllability. It also is more comfortable to use during extended game-play.

OnRPG: Are there any boss, or raid type monsters?

Yes, there are “boss” monsters in Xiah. These bosses are different from the other monsters of the same type in that are stronger (need more effort to kill) and they drop more valuable items when killed that players can pick up. We also included monsters that are not boss monsters, but are extremely challenging.

OnRPG: Are there things to do other than fight monsters in Xiah?

Yes, there are many things players can do other than fighting monsters. You can undertake a quest, open and operate a personal store, interact with other players from all over the world in real-time among other things.

OnRPG: There are a lot of games coming out over the next few months, why should people pick Xiah over any of the others?

There are many games expected to launch in Q4 of this year as well as Q1 of 2007. Xiah offers many elements which players have been asking for from MMORPGs. Xiah was designed to be easier to play for beginners than other MMORPGs while still offering plenty of excitement and challenges. Also, the graphics are extremely detailed and the Asian-theme is a unique category for MMORPGs. The other element which we focused on to different Xiah from other games on the market is that of creating an extensive community system.

Xiah Interview

Questions by Imortil
Answered by Xiah

Onrpg: Can you explain the classes and their abilities please?

Mage – this female character uses a fan and brush to combat her enemies. Her speed makes up for her lack of strength and stamina. The Mage character is capable of healing other members in her guild as well as taming monsters. Her quick speed is a valuable asset during group play.

Sword Man – equally skilled in offensive and defensive skills due to his great strength and high stamina. This character uses swords as his main weapon of choice.

Ghost Fighter – uses a talon and tonfa as his primary weapons. This character relies on his speed and ability to poison enemies. What he lacks in the category of Life stats, is more than compensated with his high level of attack power. Has two special fighting skills which make him a great asset during combat. The ability to appear dead when around enemies and the ability to ascertain an opponent’s information can prove to be invaluable during battle.

Warrior – relies on his natural strength and stamina to overpower his enemies. He also has the ability to confuse his opponents during combat. This is a great choice for beginners due to his high stamina level. The Warrior’s slow attack speed is a slight disadvantage, but can be compensated by the high level of damage that he is able to inflict on enemies during battle. This character is a valuable addition during combat since he is able to block attacks by confusing the enemy.

Onrpg: What features set Xiah apart from other online role-playing games on the market already?
There are a few elements that set Xiah apart from other online role-playing games that are on the market. First of all, Xiah is an Asian-themed MMORPG. There are not many games within this category that currently are focusing on this theme. Another unique element is that gamers can use a game pad in addition to the traditional keyboard. This is a first-of-its-kind feature in the online gaming world. The game pad is something gamers enjoy since it brings a sense of familiarity when it comes to controllability. It also is more comfortable to use during extended game-play.

Onrpg: Are there any boss, or raid type monsters?
Yes, there are “boss” monsters in Xiah. These bosses are different from the other monsters of the same type in that are stronger (need more effort to kill) and they drop more valuable items when killed that players can pick up. We also included monsters that are not boss monsters, but are extremely challenging.

Onrpg: Are there things to do other than fight monsters in Xiah?
Yes, there are many things players can do other than fighting monsters. You can undertake a quest, open and operate a personal store, interact with other players from all over the world in real-time among other things.

Onrpg: There are a lot of games coming out over the next few months, why should people pick Xiah over any of the others?
There are many games expected to launch in Q4 of this year as well as Q1 of 2007. Xiah offers many elements which players have been asking for from MMORPGs. Xiah was designed to be easier to play for beginners than other MMORPGs while still offering plenty of excitement and challenges. Also, the graphics are extremely detailed and the Asian-theme is a unique category for MMORPGs. The other element which we focused on to different Xiah from other games on the market is that of creating an extensive community system.

Closed Beta is Here!

Thursday, November 16, 2006 —

We are thrilled to announce that we have reached another milestone for Exteel.

Closed Beta has just begun, and with it comes several key JDto the web site. You’ll get an idea of how the game is played, see some new concept art, and see a snap-shot of some of the deadly weapons that will be available from the Item Shop when the game goes live.

Open Beta is right around the corner.

Alpha Testers Having Great Time Playing Voyage Century Online!

Alpha Testers Having Great Time Playing Voyage Century Online!

Voyage Century Online, the eagerly anticipated 16th century nautical online game from Internet Gaming Gate (IGG), began alpha testing December 8th, and initial reports are wildly enthusiastic about the game!

Voyage Century Online issued over 1000 alpha testing accounts, and the feedback so far is fantastic. Comments range over a wide variety of topics. Much of the feedback is very practical: “I learned you should NOT try to get tossed in the clink … I eventually realized I could shoot a guard, he promptly owned me. … Killing rats will probably take longer than it would to wait out your sentence.” “I also learned that the map (ctrl+m) can be used to navigate around and find the NPCs!” “Don’t attack trade ships; the cities don’t like you.”

Some players told the story of their adventures: “My plan is to see all the cities of the world and get a map so as not to get too lost trying to find them again.” “Taiwan was the last stop seen to be owned by a pirate, since the second I went offshore there were two ships attacking me and I died. But fear not! I shall continue forward and see the world …”

And, overwhelmingly, the players are enthusiastic about Voyage Century Online. One gamer wrote, “I must say after playing in the Alpha even with the bugs encountered this game is great! We really have to thank the team of this game they have put together something so great and offering it to the public for free. I still don’t understand how or why they did it for free and where the money comes in to pay the hosting and development expense but thank you and great job. So far from my experience the game does have a small learning curve but the amount of things you can do in this game is awesome.”

Voyage Century Online is still accepting alpha testers. To apply to become an alpha tester and become part of this adventure, send an email to

Voyage Century Online, in pre-release development, is a ground-breaking massively multiplayer online nautical game. Featuring visually powerful, intense combat and adventure on land and sea, Voyage Century Online is a dream game for armchair captains everywhere. Trade, craft, wage war around the world, even search for buried treasure —Voyage Century offers just about everything imaginable from the 16th century seafaring era. For more information about Voyage Century Online, please visit

Rappelz Epic III Expansion Coming Soon!

The Rappelz team is proud to announce the release of Rappelz Epic III Expansion! The expansion will be available to play for free on December 20th.

The Rappelz Epic III Expansion will represent our largest addition of new game content and new features to date. Epic III will offer many new changes to Rappelz including: new content, gameplay changes, and enhanced PVP system.

In the Epic III Expansion, players will encounter new challenges and dangers in the form of new areas, quests, new dungeons for lower level users, never-before-seen monsters/raid bosses, and much more.
Also, with the Epic III Expansion the gameplay speed has been increased tremendously to make Rappelz feel like a more fast-paced and action oriented game.
In addition to the changes mentioned above, all in-game prices of equipments have been lowered; lots of new items including helms and cloaks will be available in the item shop, and immorality point decreasing items will make PVP more exciting and fun!

To prepare for the Rappelz Epic III Expansion, you will need to re-install your Rappelz client (After the 20th you will not be able to use the old Rappelz client to play). You can check out the full patch note and download the Rappelz Epic III client by visiting

See you in Rappelz!

What sort of beast is this?

What is it?!? Is it an RPG? An RTS? Good news for those of you who like these two types of games: It’s both. For the RTS part of the game, you are a soldier in one of three factions on one of two playable planets and the outcome of every battle depends on what units you have, how good they are, what you have equipped to them, and how you use them. There are 4 different types of units, or unit divisions:
Infantry) I shouldn’t even need to explain this one, but in case i do, this division is made up of two-legged walking-with-a-gun humans. the cool thing though, is that the diversity of different uses of these various troops is unmatched by the other divisions.
Mobile) War machines that move around on the ground (like tanks), and have better armor in general. In addition, all mobile units have the natural ability to boost, which allows them to move faster, at the cost of extra energy, which can be replenished mid-battle. both mobile and aviation units can boost, but you have to equip a certain item to the planes to make them able to do this.
Aviation) War machines that fly. The advantage to this is that terrain is does not limit movement and you can get to where the fight is quick. The downside is, the point of battles are to capture areas similar to command posts from star wars battlefront, and these guys can’t capture them.
Organic) The only biological units except for infantry, this division has both ground-mobile and flying units, and some of them look strange as hell!
Using any unit in battle will gain that unit experience it uses to level up, and when a unit levels up, your character gets experience for the division that unit belongs to. that’s the RPG part, and as you play the game your character becomes stronger, your units get badder, and your tactics get better. And the ability to customize each unit with dfferent armors, weapons, and other things, gives you the ability to personalize your minions no other RTS that I know of. A few glitches drawbacks are the only problem i find in this game for those who enjoy RTSes. A 4 out of 5.

ZeldereX Online Just Now Entered Round 9

As ZeldereX Online ( opens its doors on December 7th for round 9, thousands of players swarm to the ZeldereX Online website to join their friends in preparing for the coming wars in the highly anticipated FREE Massively Multiplayer Online Strategy game. With bigger servers and more game worlds to choose from, players are now offered a larger variety of game types ranging from slow to high speed gameplay. Come stop by and check out our game trailer and see for yourself!

Some new changes in Xenyoo!

There were again some new changes implemented in Xenyoo, which have successfully improved the player interactions in the German version of the game already!

The following features were implemented:

1. There now is a punishment if you deny a league challenge while you have less than ten open league challenges. This shall prevent players from simply denying all challenges.

2. You now also get a reward if you play active in the league. You get this reward if you challenge ten different players in your league and it is payed with the tenth challenge. (If you should delete one of these challenges again, the reward is of course as well discounted from your account.)
By the way, the award depends on the league and it is increased with every league for 5%.

Have fun with the changes!

On the Real Merchant in Voyage Century

On the Real Merchant in Voyage Century

A true merchant should hold outstanding passion for chasing fortune. Some people may not think so but be bored with busy trade. However, you never know that market is an arena. Combatants enjoy their battle skills and strategies in the battle, while merchants enjoy their calculation and plans in the trade.

In Voyage Century, merchants can be divided into two kinds: simplex merchant and multiplex merchant.

1. Simplex Merchant
They merely play a role as a merchant. They do not carry weapons, produce or make any products. The only thing they think of is money. Simplex merchant can be also divided into two characters:

a. Shuttle Race
These merchants mainly earn the price difference from the NPCs in different cities and sell popular goods. It seems that those merchants make players bored because they always lose many interests in price checking. This kind of trade is mainly used by newbie because it is beneficial for them to get familiar with the game as well as accumulate the original fortune.

b. Player to Player
These merchants do the trade by buying in and selling out at a profit thru player to player. They buy goods at lower price from one player and sell it at a higher price to another player. Such kind merchant should have a good possession of wisdom and will-power, and at least they should be familiar with the market supply and demand. It is probably used by high level players in fortune accumulation and forestalling. (Forestall: after finishing a certain capital funding, merchants will purchase a large mount of same goods and sell them during their popular seasons to make great profits.)

2. Multiplex Merchant
These merchants play a role not only as businessmen but also as fighters, collectors and producers. Being a merchant is a living method but not an occupation to them.

Multiples merchant can also be divided into three types:

a. Business-battle Type:
They consider battle fighting as a long occupation while business as a living way, as they need outlay for the fighting. They intend to use Shuttle Race way and selling booties as their main earning way. Although the income is instable, they would be satisfied with the amount when it meets the need of their battle because they don’t like spend too much time on business. These merchants mainly come from those players who do not like team cooperation or are difficult to make a team with merchants to share money.

b. Business-producing Type:
They are economy-intended group, producing and selling all by themselves. Most of those merchants are also kind of Shuttle Race businessmen. Except doing business through the NPC, they collect materials (such as log) to process into finished products (such as timber) and then sell them to the market. Meanwhile, they could improve their compounding skill and upgrade the level of their ships. It is very prevalent in the game at present.

c. Processing Type:
They purchase various materials from everywhere for compounding and manufacturing in order to upgrade their level of compounding and manufacturing promptly and then sell the finished products to the market which will improve the efficiency. Besides, processing merchants should also have high insight into the market price, otherwise, they may lose money by purchasing materials at a high price and selling processed goods at a low price or they may get into an embarrassing condition that nobody would like to supply them with materials because your purchasing price is too low.

Merchants are a group of great people who will accelerate the development of the society economy. We will be glad to hear that your motto is “Honesty” when become a merchant some day in the future.

Forever Free, Forever Fun!
More details please check the official site:
The first 3D nautical online game brings a new age into MMORPG!